At EuroStar 2012 in Amsterdam, Henrik Emilsson did a talk about the Software Quality Characteristics poster made by The Test Eye. After his talk he asked if someone was interested in translating this poster into other languages. Me and my DEWT colleagues happily picked up this gaunlet and we proudly present the Dutch translation: Software Kwaliteit Kenmerken. I use this checklist often when preparing my testing. Now available in the Dutch language!


Why use checklists?

The modern world has given us stupendous know-how. Yet avoidable failures continue to plague us in health care, government, the law, the financial industry—in almost every realm of organized activity. And the reason is simple: the volume and complexity of knowledge today has exceeded our ability as individuals to properly deliver it to people—consistently, correctly, safely. We train longer, specialize more, use ever-advancing technologies, and still we fail. Atul Gawande makes a compelling argument that we can do better, using the simplest of methods: the checklist (source: