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7 Rules for Positive, Productive Change – a book review

At Agile Testing Days 2019 during the keynote “I can’t do this… alone! A Tale of Two Learning Partners” by Lisi Hocke and Toyer Mamoojee I got inspired by their story about learning pacts. During the keynote Nicole Errante and I started a learning pact too. In our first call we created a plan. One of the books I added to our pact was “7 Rules for Positive, Productive Change – Micro Shifts, Macro Results” by Esther Derby. In this blog post Nicole and I share a summary and our learnings from the book. 

Huib: The book is about change and from the first page on it resonated with me. Esther opens with: “People hire me because they want different outcomes and different relationships in their workplaces. My work almost always involves change at some level…” and that is exactly what I do and have been doing for many years now. While reading and discussing the book with Nicole I recognized so many things from my own experience. The introduction talks about change as a social process! Work and life in general is heavily influenced by social processes and everything we do has major social aspects to it. An aspect that unfortunately often is underexposed especially when people want to be in control. Best practices do not work in complex situations in which we find ourselves in IT often, we know that from the work of Dave Snowden and the cynefin framework. This is why I got so inspired by Context-driven testing years ago. Finally I found people who were taking the human aspects in testing and IT seriously. Not trying to approach (testing) problems with mechanistic thinking, not seeing IT as technology centered, not striving for certainty but being okay with uncertainty and a community where human interaction and feelings played a prominent role in solving problems. This book takes the same approach with change. Change is a social thing. Esther’s book hands you the interventions she calls rules to improve and help change to happen. The rules are heuristics or guidelines that will help change to happen. 

Nicole: Change in life, whether work or personal, is inevitable. The philosopher John Locke said “Things of this world are in so constant a flux, that nothing remains long in the same state.” But we, as humans, tend to be resistant to change; we like stability, routines, and the known. However, maybe we would be less resistant to change if it was implemented in a way that considered this human side of it. That’s one of the things I love about Esther’s book – it constantly keeps people in the focus of the change process. The success of the change is not just about the process but about the people in it. I have been lucky enough to work at the same company for the past 13 years but that means my experience is a bit more narrow than Huib’s when it comes to experiencing change in the workplace. However, a few years ago our company wanted to make the move from a very waterfall-based software development process to one that was more agile. I think most people at my company would agree that the change was more painful and took more time than anyone expected. It is through the lens of that change that I read this book – what could we have done to make the change process better? And what lessons can we learn for future changes?

Summary: The introduction ends with Lessons Learned from a project Esther did. Many of those I recognized and made me want to read the book even more. The lessons are: 

  • Skill and will aren’t always the problem
  • Training is useful and necessary, but it’s not sufficient
  • Standardizing nonstandard work may make matters worse
  • Long feedback loops delay learning and improvement
  • Observed patterns result from many underlying influences

The first chapter deals with change by attraction. If you try to force change upon people, they will react with resistance. Mandating change makes people feel a loss of control and they have no personal buy-in to the change. Esther says “At best, coercion, rewards, and positional authority result in compliance, not engagement…” You don’t want people just going through the motions, you want them actively involved and eager to give things a try. In order for change to happen, things need to be learned and other things need to be unlearned. There is no best practice that works in every situation in knowledge work, quite the opposite: we need to experiment to find out what works and what doesn’t. It is a matter of responding to people, adapting to their needs and attracting and engaging people instead of pushing and persuading. 

  1. Strive for Congruence

Congruence is an alignment of a person’s interior and exterior worlds, balancing the needs and capabilities of self, others, and context. Ignoring other people’s needs and capabilities is probably the most common cause of incongruence. When this incongruence happens, you are in a stress state. When people are stressed, it is hard to think, learn, or engage. You cannot have successful change when learning and engagement are suppressed. Congruence is essential for change by attraction. Congruence contributes to safety, which is essential for people to solve problems, to learn and to speak up about mistakes and things they don’t know. Being empathetic will help you understand where someone else is coming from and what they have to lose by changing, thus avoiding ignoring the context of others in the process of change. Empathy helps people feel safe and understood. Empathy and congruence go hand-in-hand and are essential for making long term changes. At the end of chapter 2, Esther lists a couple of questions you can use to be more congruent.

  1. Honor the past, present and people

When implementing change, it is important to show respect to existing belief systems, the experiences and knowledge people have, and the effort people have made to keep things going with the system currently in place. Build trust and relationships before coaching others. People seldom think that they themselves are wrong. They also may want to improve but most do not want to hear from an outsider that they are doing it wrong. So we have to choose our language with care. Remember that while you have ideas of how things can be better, the people you want to change know things that you don’t know that will be important in this process. By acknowledging and exploring the negative space of change, we prevent unpleasant surprises along the way. Again Esther has a great list of questions to discover what lives in this negative space. People don’t resist change, they respond to its implementation. You can learn from reasons behind the responses to help adapt the change. Use Transformational Communication (inquiry, dialogue, conversation, understanding) instead of Convincing and Persuading (advocacy, debate, argument, defending) to gain openness, trust, and shared understanding. Finally, don’t take for granted what works by only focussing on the problem. Build upon what already works.

  1. Assess what is

Every system is perfectly designed to get the result that it does (W. Edwards Deming). Change starts from where you are now and paying attention to the context increases the change problems will get solved. How did the existing conditions in the organization produce the current patterns and results? This chapter introduces 3 techniques intended to look beyond symptoms and find influencing factors: 

  1. Containers, differences, and exchanges (CDE), it describes the three conditions that determine the speed, direction, and path of a system as it self-organizes. This will help discover both the formal structures and invisible structures that factor into the behavior of the organizational system.
  2. SEEM Model: Steering, Enabling-and-Enhancing, Making. This model shows the different perspectives of people in the organization on the basic set of concerns each company has: how to achieve clarity so people know what to do, what conditions are needed for people to do good work, and what productive constraints will streamline decision making and guide actions and interactions.
  3. Circle of Influences: to see how the factors influenced one another and where to find virtuous and vicious loops. This method helps to find the many influencing factors that result in problems, instead of focussing too much on the problems itself. Find factors that have influence on several others as possible places to run experiments on.
  1. Attend to networks

An organisation has a formal and an informal side. Informal social networks within the organisation have great influence and cannot be ignored, although they are not visible on the org chart. The most important social networks for change are those that people turn to and trust for advice. That is why Esther suggests to map the networks within the organisation to be able to use them productively and not to break them inadvertently. You can also enhance existing networks by reducing the number of hops between people that are not directly connected to reduce bottlenecks. Networks can also carry rumors. Esther suggests to capture them to find out what people worry about using a rumor control board. Finally, if people do not want to change something, just do it with other people that do (change by attraction). The resisters will probably follow when they see that other people are doing it. This is the fear of missing out in action.

  1. Experiment

Solving big complex problems is not easy because many factors are involved and they cannot be solved independently. Trying to solve them in big changes will cause big disruptions and that’s risky. Small experiments foster learning and will engage the people you work with. Experiments are FINE (Fast feedback, Inexpensive, require No permission and are Easy). Landing zones make big changes small by defining intermediate states to which the organisation can evolve. After reaching the landing zone, you can reassess whether your bigger goal is still relevant and course correct as you need. Safe to fail probes are good examples of experiments. Find something that you can try without asking for budget or permission. Don’t worry about failing – keeping the experiment small means any risk should be contained and you can learn from what went wrong. Esther lists a great set of questions to assist in shaping the experiments and another set to test assumptions. Reflecting on what works in the experiments involves double-loop learning

  1. Guide and allow for variation

Knowledge work and complex organizations need to allow for variation and emergence to perform effectively. Unnecessary standardization will lead to inefficiency and suboptimal behavior. Coherence is more desirable than consistency and that is why Esther suggests using boundary stories: to help people focus on gaining a similar outcome. Boundary stories give people a guideline on reaching the outcome you want (and avoiding those you don’t) while allowing people to mindfully decide how to get there based on their unique situation. Also change will be evolutionary: small evolutionary steps towards the end goal. Landing zones are useful, so is a horizon map: a thinking tool where you start with the desired outcome and work from right to left filling in conditions and constraints needed for the change to take place. Since change is social, it requires changing habits of thought and cognitive frameworks. Change will happen if we manage to influence metaphors and narratives within the organisation. Explain the outcomes you want and why, then add some boundary stories as a guide to how to get there. This will allow people to refine the change based on their knowledge and experience, thus owning the change rather than being forced into it.

  1. Use your self

People bring their personalities, characteristics, belief systems, and life experiences to work and this influences what they do and how they do it. This includes you, the person involved in bringing the change. Change is a social process which needs personal connection with the people involved. This works best using empathy, curiosity, patience, and observation. These skills can and must be practiced. A nice list of questions to help prompt empathy is given. Esther also supplies nice overviews with types of questions and how to focus questions to be curious and patient. These questions help to avoid why questions, which often make people defensive. The question and how you ask it, determines the answer you get. Making sense of your observations requires bias awareness and testing your observations. Be generous when trying to interpret the motivation behind what people do and the results they achieve.

Learnings Huib

It was fun to work with Nicole and read the book together talking about two chapters each time we met. Sharing our stories and experiences with change and discussing situations at work helped to understand what the book is about and to get ideas where we could try the things we were reading. The parts on empathy, curiosity and patience really resonated to me. Like I described in my blogpost “Mastering my mindset” I become more and more aware that growth, learning, improving and change needs empathy. I am working on that. This book gave me more tools and inspiration to get there. I already used several questions from the lists in the book and I enjoy using them. The landing zones are a great way to create small steps of change. I’m now working on a horizon map with a scrum master to get insight into what is going on in his team. I cannot wait to work with the team on the map.

Learnings Nicole

I agree with Huib that the method we used to read the book a couple chapters at a time and then discussing really was a fun way to read a book.It really helped reinforce the learnings of each chapter as well. Being able to share what we thought and our experiences helped not only make things clearer but also gave insight on where to apply it to our work. When our organization went through the big agile change, the main reason I thought it went rough was that people didn’t understand the reason behind the change. While that is true, Esther’s book also helped me realize there were other factors involved as well. The change we bit off was too big: we should have started where we were at and done smaller experiments to learn and adjust along the way. People’s knowledge, experience, and feelings should have also been considered in order to get them actively involved in the change. I look forward to being able to apply the lessons in this book to future changes in our organization. I also want to incorporate some of the questions from the book to help work through the day-to-day challenges that we face in our team.


The book is easy to read and has some great stories in there to illustrate the rules and lessons. It has many valuable and ready to use lists of questions and methods that will help in experimenting with change. Every chapter ends with a great set of takeaways which summarizes what you just read in different wording. We absolutely recommend this book to anybody dealing with change in their work.

Let’s stop talking about testing, let’s start thinking about value

This year Alex Schladebeck and I did two keynotes titled “Let’s stop talking about testing, let’s start thinking about value” at QA Expo in Spain and TestNet in the Netherlands. This blogpost has the most important points we made in our talk.

The keynote was inspired by some of our frustrations: “Testing is under appreciated” (Alex) and “Most testers are unable to explain what we do” (Huib). I wrote about my frustration back in 2016 already. This blogpost is about my frustration that most testers cannot come up with a decent definition of testing. And even worse: a big majority of the people who call themselves professional testers are not able to explain what testing is and how it works! They have trouble explaining what they are testing and why they are doing specifically the thing they are doing! How can anybody take a tester seriously who cannot explain what he is doing all day?

Alex’s frustration is that testing is not valued by others. Developers are seen as the rockstars of the project because they create the software that adds value. But why are testers often not valued?

  • Lowered expectations for testing expertise by stuff like ISO standards and ISTQB: I wrote about certification and standards before. ISTQB and standards put too much emphasis on process and documentation, rather than the real testing. By assuming there can be a standard, you say that there is one best way to organize and document your testing. But isn’t your test strategy heavily dependent on its context? When using standards we tend to focus on complying with the standard, and lose sight of the real goal. This sort of goal displacement is a familiar problem in many situations. Also, the idea that you can learn how to test is a couple of days of training is dangerous. Remember lesson 272: if you can get a black belt in only two weeks, avoid fights (Lessons Learned in Software Testing: A Context-Driven Approach by Bach, Kaner and Pettichord).
  • Avoiding controversy: nowadays more and more people advocate to be nice! I think that we confuse being nice, with being kind! An interesting article about this phenomenon is written by Marcia Sirota. Of course we need to respect other people, but to push the testing craft forward, we need to have firm discussions and disagree with others way more often. Being nice doesn’t help. Serious feedback does!
  • We devalue our own work by becoming tool jockeys: unfortunately there are too many testers (and teams) out there who focus too much on automation as much as possible. Why? Because they can! The testers in those teams are often so busy doing automation that they do not have the time to test anything…
  • We do not stand up for our craft: we do not fight back enough when other people say they do not need testers, or if they tell us how to do our jobs to name a few examples. We have to learn “testers self-defence: to stand up to people who try to dictate how do our jobs. We have to learn how to organize effective (and efficient) testing. And we need to learn how to talk about our work in a way others understand. This requires practice!
  • We do not learn or practice enough: testing is difficult! We have to deal with complexity, ambiguity, change and people. Testing is a craft, not something you do as a hobby. To become a craftsperson, you have to practice (also see my blogpost: a road to awesomeness).
  • We don’t know how to talk about testing: as said before: how can anybody take a tester seriously who cannot explain what he is doing all day? To be really valuable, testers need to learn to talk about their testing in a way others understand and find valuable.

So looking at these things, are we okay with this? I don’t think so. But what can we do about it? We are trapped in this vicious circle: we need to talk about testing! It is good for our soul to explain what I did and why, but we don’t know how to talk about our testing in a way that others understand.

Alex and I listed some traps:

  • Stories decay into Numbers: testing is about providing information to enable others to make informed decisions. The number of test cases or the number of bugs do not really matter. It is the story about the product and the risks involved. Those numbers might back up your story, but they do not tell the story!
  • A performance decays into Deliverables: testing is about finding problems, collecting information, exploring and experimenting to discover new information. Sure, documents and stuff sometimes help us, but testing is a performance. (James Bach talks about that here: a test is a performance and here: Test cases are not testing: towards a culture of test performance).
  • Test strategy decays into Test execution: when was the last time you saw a really good test strategy? In many cases I find master test plans where everything is described except the strategy. It is hard to create a test strategy and it is even harder to write it down or visualise it. Many testers I meet focus on test execution: creating test cases and scenarios and calling that the strategy.
  • Tool supported testing decays into Automation: testing using tools is a great idea. It gives us more opportunities to test and improves testability. But as said earlier: it becomes a problem when we focus too much on automation or even try to automate all our work. We cannot automate testing.
  • Many kinds of coverage decays into One kind of coverage: testing benefits from diversity! You find a certain type of bug with a certain test technique or approach. By using lots of different views, approaches and techniques, we find more problems.
  • Learning activity decays into Formalized static tasks: testing is learning about the product for our stakeholders. It’s not about verification and validation, there is much more to it. I like to replace such words with challenge the belief that (verify) and investigate (validate). Those activities provide the valuable information we need.
  • Balance risk and uncertainty decays into Certainty: people like to be comfortable and we like to give other comfort as well. But as testers we need to stay unsure, when others are sure. It is our job to keep asking critical questions. We are not here to give confidence or comfort, we are here to demolish unwarranted confidence! Also keep in mind that to find new unexpected problems, we have to go where nobody has thought of and nobody went before us. That will cause confusion which feels uncomfortable for many. I learned to be okay with confusion, since this is essential for learning new things.
  • Business Impact decays into Bugs: some testers are frustrated when bugs aren’t fixed. But that is part of the deal: some things that bug us, are just not important enough.
  • Product story decays into Testing jargon: I think this is the main problem for people not listening to testers. We talk jargon and about what we do in detail too much. We say stuff like: “We’ve executed 17 test cases in the system test, we’ve automated 50% of the test cases for area C and now have 30% code coverage. We found three major and five medium bugs”. And we are surprised that nobody will listen. We need to talk about the product! So you have found 8 bugs? Who cares? Talk about the risks involved, about the threats to the value of the product.

So maybe testers need to stop talking about testing?
Well, not exactly. We need to remember that the information from testing enables other people to do better work! So the testing itself isn’t always interesting, but the story about the results and the impact on the business is!

Just imagine a conversation between a tester and the PO.
Tester: The testing is going well!
PO: Okay, great. How is the product?
Testers: It sucks!

The role of testers

What is the role of testers? Testers see things for what they are. Testers help others make informed decisions about quality, because we think critically about software. This means creating awareness about the state of the product by staying sceptical when everybody else is sure. So we have to know what our clients want from testing. What information do they need to take these decisions? Project managers have one big question to be answered: are there problems that threaten the on-time, successful completion of the product?

Product Risk Knowledge Gap

I like to explain testing using the “Product Risk Knowledge Gap” like we teach in RST. Knowledge Gaps are the things that we need to learn in order to make good decisions. We need to learn about the product to close the knowledge gap. The more we know, the less risky our decisions will be. Testers should focus on questions like: what does the client need to know right now? What might hinder the successful completion of the product? What role do I need to take on in this situation to ensure we achieve our aims? Does this information matter? To whom?

But there is a way to avoid talking about testing. Just find enough questions and problems so that your stakeholders simply won’t have time to ask you questions back! Also, if you tell a credible story and give them the information they need, nobody cares how you got the information in the first place. In this case you need to stand your ground: tell people what they need to hear despite what they want to hear. Again: it’s your job to see things for what they are. If you give people the chance to doubt what you are doing, because you do not deliver the information they need, they will start asking questions about how you do your job. And if you have to talk about how you do your testing, then prepare to be able to tell a damned good story about your testing. Something they can understand and relate to.

The testing story

The testing story by Rapid Software Testing can help you tell that story. Tell a story about the product, what you saw, what you did to gather that information and how valuable that information is. (See “Braiding The Stories” by Michael Bolton). The testing story contains three stories that feed into each other:

  1. The product story: a qualitative report on how the product can work, how it fails, and how it might fail in ways that matter to our clients.
  2. The testing story: to make the product story credible, the testing story is about how we configured, operated, observed, and evaluated the product; what we actually did and what we actually saw.
  3. The quality of testing story: to make the testing story credible, tell a story about the quality of the testing. Describe why the testing we’ve done has been good enough. It includes details on what made testing harder or slower and what we might need or recommend in order to provide better, more accurate, more timely information.

Modern testing
As testers we do way more than only testing. We are enablers of testing by doing all kind of other things to be a service to the team and our clients. Researching this, Alex and I found the Modern testing principles by Alan Page and Brent Jensen. There is a lot of good stuff in there, and yet we feel that there is not enough focus on the actual testing in their principles. Furthermore, we think that the seventh principle “We expand testing abilities and knowhow across the team; understanding that this may reduce (or eliminate) the need for a dedicated testing specialist.” is formulated too negatively. We do not talk about dedicated test specialist as a function. But we like to talk about testing skills. And although we think there should not be a need for a dedicated testing specialist, we see too many people in teams who do not like testing. Passion (or at least motivation) for what you do, is conditional to become good at anything. So we created our own testing principles (inspired by the modern testing principles of course):

  1. Deliver insight into status of the product
  2. Practice (and enact) critical thinking
  3. Enable testing: lead, coach, teach, support
  4. Discuss testability
  5. Explore & experiment
  6. Promote waste removal / avoidance
  7. Help to accelerate the team
  8. Advocate continuous improvement
  9. Foster quality culture
  10. Keep critical distance and close social distance

Stop talking about testing?

So do we need to stop talking about testing? Not really. But we need to talk about the product, risks and value more. We can talk about actual testing only to back our story up or if they ask questions. And even then, we need to make our story understandable and relatable to others. Make sure you are a service to the team. We created our own testing principles to explain what value we add. We also have a pretty clear story on what testing is and how it adds value. We did this by practicing our stories many times. But we also figured out our own testing paradigm. That makes is easier to talk about what we do and how we add value.

Software Development is research & development: a series of experiments that ultimately lead to a suitable solution. We are dealing with customers who do not know exactly what they want. Furthermore, we are dealing with the complexity, confusion, changes, new insights and half answers. That requires research. As we team we are looking for what works and what doesn’t. Testing is of great importance for this! Testing provides insight and overview. Testing shines a light on the actual status of product and project. These insights enable others to make better decisions and eventually make better products.

The slide are here.

Note: this is an Alex Schladebeck and Huib Schoots co-production and this blogpost was co-authored by Alex. So where you read I, you could read Alex and I.

Test improvement in an agile/CDT environment

This post and the article have been updated on April 4 2017.

One day during a team meeting at Joep‘s previous job at a bank the Team Manager of Testing, listed a number of topics his testers could work on in the coming months. One of those topics was “testing maturity”. This topic was on the list not because this manager was such a fan of maturity models, but because the other team managers (Business Analysis and Development) had produced one for their own teams and higher management would like to have one for testing as well. And although Joep saw little value in a classic five-tiered maturity model either, he was intrigued by the question: so what can you do with respect to maturity models that is of value?

Joep asked Huib to help him think of a way to create a valuable, context-driven way to work on maturity. Since Huib had been working for the same bank, they met and discussed the possibilities. Soon they found out that the criteria should be variable since maturity depends on context. They started experimenting with stack ranking and quite soon they had the first version of their “maturity model”.

Maturity or improvement?

After discussing the first version of the article with James and Michael, we felt the need to update our article. Their comments helped us realize that we needed to explore maturity and maturity models a bit more. After doing this, we decided to rename our model into a test improvement model.

Maturity mission: better testing

What is the mission a maturity assessment? We think the assessment should be a pathway to better testing. As a part of solving problems we think the mission should be: “An investigation of strengths and weaknesses. A starting point for a discussion about potential (testing) problems and how to solve them.” Or as James Bach says: A maturity model is plan for achieving maturity. And this is exactly what we created. Our maturity model isn’t anything like the staged, fixed models available in the market. Maybe we shouldn’t call our method a maturity model, since basically it isn’t. It is a tool designed to help teams assess and improve their testing. It is a method supported by a card game that helps teams retrospect and identify strengths and weaknesses in their way of working, the stuff they create, the team, their skills and context.


After a first try-out at the bank Joep worked, we let it rest for a while. After a couple of months we wrote this article. It is the first version and it needs to be refined and polished. The heuristics lists are probably to long and need to be reduced. We think of this model as a card game that can be played with teams.

Currently we are also working on an agile version of this model, a card game for agile teams to assess their “maturity” to help them to find possible areas for improvements. More about that later.

We are curious about your thoughts. What do you think? Maybe you want to try the game? Feel free to try it out. We hope you will share your experiences with us.

Article (pdf) – Card game (pdf)

The slides are of the meetup about our model are here.

Must read: A Context-Driven Approach to Automation in Testing

Test Automation is a hot item in our industry. Many people talk about it and much has been written on this topic. Sadly there is still a lot of misconception about test automation. Also, some people say context-driven testing is anti test automation. I think that is not true. Context-driven testers use different names for it and they are more careful when they speak about automation and tooling to aid their testing. Also, context-driven testers have been fighting the myths that testing can be automated for years. In 2009 Michael Bolton wrote his famous blog post “Testing vs. checking“. Later flowed up by “Testing and checking refined” and “Exploratory testing 3.0“. These tremendous important blog post learn us about how context-driven testers define testing and that testing is a sapient process. A process that relies on skilled humans. Recently Michael Bolton and James Bach have published a white paper to share their view on automation in testing. A vision of test automation that puts the tester at the center of testing. This is a must read for everyone involved in software development.

The follow text is taken from the “A Context-Driven Approach to Automation in Testing” white paper written by James Bach and Michael Bolton.

We can summarize the dominant view of test automation as “automate testing by automating the user.” We are not claiming that people literally say this, merely that they try to do it. We see at least three big problems here that trivialize testing:

  1. The word “automation” is misleading. We cannot automate users. We automate some actions they perform, but users do so much more than that.
  2. Output checking can be automated, but testers do so much more than that.
  3. Automated output checking is interesting, but tools do so much more than that.

robotAutomation comes with a tasty and digestible story: replace messy, complex humanity with reliable, fast, efficient robots! Consider the robot picture. It perfectly summarizes the impressive vision: “Automate the Boring Stuff.” Okay. What does the picture show us?

It shows us a machine that is intended to function as a human. The robot is constructed as a humanoid. It is using a tool normally operated by humans, in exactly the way that humans would operate it, rather than through an interface more suited to robots. There is no depiction of the process of programming the robot or controlling it, or correcting it when it errs. There are no broken down robots in the background. The human role in this scene is not depicted. No human appears even in the background. The message is: robots replace humans in uninteresting tasks without changing the nature of the process, and without any trace of human presence, guidance, or purpose. Is that what automation is? Is that how it works? No!

The problem is, in our travels all over the industry, we see clients thinking about real testing, real automation, and real people in just this cartoonish way. The trouble that comes from that is serious…

Read more in the fabulous white paper “A Context-Driven Approach to Automation in Testing” by James Bach and Michael Bolton.

Stop hugging, start working … on excellence!

Some context: this blogpost is my topic for a new peer conference called “Board of Agile Testers (BAT)” on Saturday December 19 2014 in Hotel Bergse Bossen in Driebergen.

I love agile and I love hugging… For me an agile way of working is a, not THE, solution to many irritating problems I suffered from in the 90’s and 00’s. Of course people are the determining factor in software development. It is all about people developing (as in research and development) software for people. So people are mighty important! We need to empower people to do awesome work. People work better if they have fun and feel empowered.

Vineet Nayar talks about people, who want to excel, need two important things: a challenge and passion. These factors resemble the ones described by Daniel Pink: autonomy makes room to excel, passion feeds mastery and a challenge gives purpose. I wrote an article about this subject for agile record called “Software development is all about people“. I see agile teams focus on this people stuff like collaboration, working together, social skills… But why do they often forget Mastery in testing?

Rapid Software Testing teaches serious testing skills by empowering testers in a martial art approach to testing. Not by being nice and hug others. By teaching testers serious skills to talk about their work, say what they mean, stand up for excellence. RST teaches that excellent testing starts with the skill set and the mindset of the individual tester. Other things might help, but excellence in testing must centre on the tester.

One of the many examples is in the new “More agile testing” book by Lisa & Janet in chapter 12 Exploratory testing there is a story by Lisa: “Lisa’s story – Spread the testing love: group hugs!” My review comment was and I quote: “I like the activity but do not like the name… I fear some people will not take it too serious… It might get considered too informal or childish. Consider a name like bug hunts.”

Really? Hugs? The whole hugging ethos in agile makes me CRAZY. Again, I love hugging and in my twitter profile it says I am a people lover. But a fluffy approach to agile in general and testing in particular makes me want to SCREAM! It makes me mad! Stop diminishing skills. If people are doing good work, sure hug them, but if they don’t: give them some serious feedback! Work with them to get better and grow. Mentor them, coach them, teach them. But what if they do not improve? Or do not want to improve? Well… maybe then it is time to say goodbye? It is time to start working on some serious skills!

Testing is serious business, already suffering from misunderstanding and underestimation by many who think they can automate all testing and everybody can test. In agile we are all developers and t-shaped people will rule the world. In 15 years there will be only developers doing everything: writing documentation, coding and testing… Yeah right! I wish I could believe that. Testing is HARD and needs a lot of study. As long as I see a vast majority of people not willing to study testing, I know I will have a job as a testing expert for the rest of my life!

This blogpost reflects some “rough ideas”. After the peer conference I will update this post with the ideas discussed in the room.

Refusing to do bad work…

I talked at TestBash about context-driven testing in agile. I my talk I said that I refuse to do bad work. Adam Knight wrote a great blog post “Knuckling Down” about this: “One of the messages that came up in more than one of the talks during the day, most strongly in Huib Schoots talk on Context Driven in Agile, was the need to stick to the principle of refusing to do bad work. The consequential suggestion was that a tester should leave any position where you are asked to compromise this principle.

Adam also writes: “What was missing for me in the sentiments presented at TestBash was any suggestion that testers should attempt to tackle the challenges faced on a poor or misguided project before leaving. In the examples I noted from the day there was no suggestion of any effort to resolve the situation, or alter the approach being taken. There was no implication of leaving only ‘if all else fails’. I’d like to see an attitude more around attempting to tackle a bad situation head on rather than looking at moving on as the only option. Of course we should consider moving if a situation in untenable, but I’d like to think that this decision be made only after knuckling down and putting your best effort in to make the best of a bad lot.

Interesting because I think I said exactly that: “if anything else fails, leave!” But maybe I only thought that and forgot to speak it out loud, I am not sure. Let’s wait for the video that will give us the answer. But in the meanwhile: of course Adam is right and I am happy that he wrote his blog post. Because if I was too firm or too distinct, he gave me a chance to explain. Because looking back, I have done many projects where, if I hadn’t tried to change stuff, I would have left many of them in the first couple of days. There is a lot of bad testing around. So what did I try to say?

Ethics again.

This topic touches very closely to ethics in your work! Refusing to do bad work is an ethical statement. Ethics are very important for me and I hope more testers will recognize that only being ethical will change our craft. Ethics help us decide what is right and what is wrong. Have a look at the ethics James Bach summed up in this blog post “Thoughts Toward The Ethics of Testing“. Nathalie pointed to an article she wrote on ethics in a reply to my last post.

Ethics and integrity go hand in hand. Ethics are the external “rules and laws” and integrity is your internal system of principles that guides your behaviour. Integrity is a choice rather than an obligation and will help you do what is right even if no one is watching.

I refuse to do bad work!

Bad work is any work that is deliberately bad. I think along the lines of restrictions in a context, demands placed on them that they don’t know how to handle. Or even worse: intentionally doing stuff you know can be done better, but it is faster, easier or because others ask you to do it like that. Of course there are novices in the field and they do work that can be done better. I do not call that bad work since they are still learning. Still there is a limit to that as well. If you have been tester for several years and you still do not know how to do more than 3 test techniques without having to look them up, I will call that bad work as well. I expect continuing professional development from everybody in the field. Simply because working in IT (but in any profession) we need to develop ourselves to become better.

ethicsLying is always bad work. And I have seen many people lie in their work. Lying to managers to get off the hook, making messages sound just a little better by leaving out essential stuff. Also telling people what they what to hear to make them happy is bad work. What do you do when your project manager asks you to change your test report because it will harm his reputation? Or what do you tell the hiring manager in a job interview when he asks you if you are willing to learn? Many people tell that they are very willing to learn, but are they really?

Bad work is claiming things you can’t accomplish: like assuring quality or testing everything. It is also bad work when you do not admit your mistakes and hide them from your colleagues. Bad work is accepting an assignment when you know you do not have the right skills or the right knowledge. In secondment assignments this is an issue sometimes. I have taken on a project once where the customer wanted something I couldn’t deliver but because my boss wanted me on the position I accepted. That was wrong and the assignment didn’t work out. I felt very bad about it: not because I failed, but because I knew upfront I would fail! I won’t do that again, ever.

So how do I handle this?

I push back! Of course I do not run away from a project when I see or smell bad work. I do try to tackle the challenges I am faced with. I use three important ways trying to change the situation: my courage, asking questions and my ethics. Some examples: when a managers start telling me what I should do and explicitly tell me how I should do that, I often ask how much testing experience the manager has. When given the answer I friendly tell him that I am very willing to help him achieve his goals, but that I think I am the expert and I will decide on how I do my work. Surely there is more to it and I need to be able to explain why I want it to be done differently.

I also ask a lot of questions that start with “why”. Why do you want me to write test cases? What problem will that solve? I found out that often people ask for things like test cases or metrics because it is “common practice” or folklore not because it will serve a certain purpose. Also when I know the reasons behind the requests, it makes it easier to discuss them and to push back. A great example of this is the last blog post “Variable Testers” by James Bach.

Adam talks about changing peoples minds: “One of the most difficult skills I’ve found to learn as a tester is the ability to justify your approach and your reasons for taking it, and being able to argue your case to someone else who has a misguided perspective on what testing does or should involve. Having these discussions, and changing peoples minds, is a big part of what good testing is.

I fully agree. In my last on blog post “heuristics for recognizing professional testers” my first heuristic was: “They have a paradigm of what testing is and they can explain their approach in any given situation. Professional testers can explain what testing is, what value they add and how they would test in a specific situation.” To become better as testers and to advance our craft, we should train the skills Adam mentions: justify approach and being able to argue our case.

It will make you better and happier!

Jerry Weinberg listed his set of principles in a blog post “A Code of Work Rules for Consultants“. In this blog post he says: “Over the years, I’ve found that people who ask these questions and set those conditions don’t wind up in jobs that make them miserable. Sometimes, when they ask them honestly they leave their present position for something else that makes them happier, even at a lower fee scale. Sometimes, a client manager is outraged at one of these conditions, which is a sure indication of trouble later, if not sooner.

It will make you a happier person when you know what your limits are and you are able to clearly remind people you work with. It will prevent you from getting into situations that make you miserable. “That’s the way things are” doesn’t exist in my professional vocabulary. There is always something you can do about it. And if the situation you end up in, after you tried the best you can, isn’t satisfying to you: leave! Believe me, it will make you feel good. I have got the t-shirt! And… being clear about your values also will make you better in your work. Maybe not directly, but indirectly it will.

Daniel Pink speaks about the self-determination theory in his book “Drive“. The three keywords in his book are: Autonomy, Mastery and purpose: “human beings have an innate drive to be autonomous, self-determined and connected to one another, and that when that drive is liberated, people achieve more and live richer lives” (source:

But but but….

Of course I know there is the mortgage and the family to support. Maybe it is easy for me to refuse bad work. Maybe I am lucky to be in the position I am. But think again… Are you really sure you can’t change anything? And if your ethics are violated every day do you resign yourself? Your ethics will act as heuristics signalling you that there is a problem and you need to do something. I didn’t say you have to leave immediately and if you are more patient than I am, maybe you do not have to leave at all… But remember: for people who are good in what they do, who are confident in what they will and will not do and speak up for themselves, there will always be a place to work.

Now you!

Have you even thought about integrity? What are your guiding principles, values or ethics? What would you call bad work? And what will you do next time when somebody asks you something that conflicts with your ethics?



While reading stuff online about (refusing) bad work I ran into this blog post by Cal Newport about being bad at work: “Knowledge Workers are Bad at Working (and Here’s What to Do About It…)“Interesting enough Cal Newport wrote a book called “So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love” about the passion hypothesis in which he questions the validity of the hypothesis that occupational happiness has to match per-existing passion. In several recent talks and blog posts I did I talk about passion. Also in the talk discussed in this blog post I claim that passion is very important and I show a fragment of the Stanford 2005 commencement speech by Steve Jobs. Exactly the passage I showed in my talk, Cal uses in the first chapter of his book. “You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.” Anyway. Interesting stuff to be researched. I bought the book and started reading it. To be continued…




Misconceptions about testing

Shmuel Gershon’s tweet pointed me to an article on the scrum alliance website Agile Methodology Is Not All About Exploratory Testing by Dele Oluwole. I share Sigge Birgissons concerns: “the post clearly shows what I mean when having deep concerns about the knowledge of testing in agile community”.

I think Dele doesn’t fully understand what testing is or at least he uses a different definition than I do. And certainly he doesn’t understand exploratory testing. Rikard Edgren wrote an open letter to explain what testing is. Please read his high level summary of software testing to understand what testing means to me.

"It is imperative to state in clear terms why Agile testing cannot be all about exploratory testing"

(The text in these gray frames are quotes form the article by Dele)

I wrote a post some weeks ago about agile testing titled what makes agile testing different: agile testing isn’t that much different from “other” testing. Why do some people think agile is so different? To me there is no such thing as Agile testing. There is testing in an agile context. And every agile context is probably different. So saying that agile testing cannot be about exploratory testing makes no sense to me.

It is unequivocally the case that: you cannot estimate your time for exploratory testing, i.e., assign points realistically

Estimating testing is an interesting topic. This blogpost by Morgan Ahlström nicely emphasizes that estimates are guesses. Martin Jansson of the Test Eye writes about “utopic estimations” here. Michael Bolton wrote a lot about estimation here, here and here. He explains that testing is an open-ended task which depends on the quality of the products under test. The decision to ship the product (which includes a decision to stop testing) is a business decision, not a technical one.

Especially the fifth part of the black swan series is interesting in this discussion because Michael writes about the fallacies surrounding “development” and “testing” phases (by James Bach). He also explains why estimating the duration of a “testing project” by counting “test cases” or “test steps” is not a smart thing to do.

"You cannot plan for exploratory testing, as you do not have defined expected results."

Why are some people so obsessed by expected results? And why is there a need to have expected results to be able to plan testing? Expected results can be very helpful, but there is much more to quality then doing some tests with an expected result. A definition that I like is by Jerry Weinberg: “Quality is value to some person”. To understand this, you might want to read this blogpost to understand that there is more to quality than the absence of bugs. Also have a look at the excellent free ebook “The Little Black Book on Test Design” by Rikard Edgren. On page 2-6 he uses the “testing potato” to explain that there are more important aspects to the system than the requirements only.

"There is no defined scope for exploratory testing."

In the exploratory testing I do in my projects there is a “scope”. I do targeted and focused testing using charters, sessions and planning my testing using a dashboard that resembles a scrum board. Have a look at the slides of my presentation “Boosting the testing power with exploration“.

Using a coverage outline in a mind map or a simple spreadsheet, I keep track of what I have tested. My charters (a one to three sentence mission for a testing session) help me focus, my wrap-up and/or debriefings help me determine how good my testing was. My notes and the sessions sheets keep track of what I have done in my testing. Like in scrum, I use “standup” meetings to plan my testing. In these meetings we discuss progress, risks, priorities and charters to be executed. This helps us to make sure we do the best testing we can do continuously.

"The tester, product owner, and Scrum team are not in control."

I am not sure if I understand what you are trying to point out here. Are you saying that the team is not in control when doing exploratory testing? My model above shows that you can be in control when doing exploratory testing when done right. Exploratory testing is NOT ad hoc or unstructured when done right. If you do it right you will have control!

"There is no measure of progress, as testers cannot determine when testing is enough."

How do we determine how much testing is enough? Stopping heuristics might help here. No matter how simple the system is we are building, there are simply to many variables to test everything. So testing is about making choices what to test and what not to test. Even with a huge amount of automated checks, we can not check/test everything (to understand the difference between testing and checking read this). Testing is not about doing X test cases and when they all pass, you are done. Testing is providing information for managers to make good decisions. And when do managers have enough information to inform their decisions?

Still, not many Agile projects will require just two phases, like integration and regression. But it's definitely not only exploratory testing that's needed, as is erroneously believed in some quarters.

I am not sure what you mean by two phases. What do you mean by testing in phases? I like to use the agile testing quadrants when I try to explain how I think of testing in an agile context.

A team is developing software and the programmers do testing before checking the software in and making it available to the team. How do we call that sort of testing? Unit testing? But is that /only/ testing done by the programmer? I argue that the programmer might do all kinds of testing before checking his code in, even functional and acceptance tests. They probably will create a lot of automated checks and maybe even do some exploratory testing to see if the software meets their expectations: quickly testing some usability and performance aspects. So before the software is checked in, the programmer has covered testing in all 4 quadrants. This does not mean testing is done. More testing can be done, it depends on the context. What does the product owner wants to know? What are the risks involved? How much time do we have left? When discussing a test strategy I try not to speak about phases, I like to discuss what gets covered and why. What information is needed by the team and it’s stakeholders? When talking about coverage I do not mean code coverage but test coverage: the extent to which we have traveled over some map (model) of the system.

So I don’t think you can say “only exploratory testing is needed or not”.

Dele concludes his article with this statement:

It is the responsibility of the tester (and the Agile/Scrum team) to ensure that acceptance testing is in line with the expectation of the product owner. If we agree that there is an expectation, we therefore have to design test cases (even if minimal) that will verify the specified acceptance criteria."

Dear Dele please read about testing and exploratory testing. Some good starting points are these lists of resources on this blog or the one made by Michael Bolton: resources on Exploratory Testing, Metrics, and Other Stuff. I am happy to point you to more good sources of information if you are interested. Just let me know.

What makes agile testing different?

Last week Pete Walen asked me the following question via twitter: The Question (read it carefully!): What is it that makes Agile Testing different from “other” testing?

Agile vs agile?

What is agile testing? And what is agile? Let me first say that I do not distinguish agile and Agile. For me it is all the same. Agile is a mindset, a way of looking at the world. For me it is not a process or method. It is more a container than a way of working. This blogpost discusses agile vs Agile and I like it. It describes agile as a mindset and Agile with a capital A as something commercial: “The problem here is that all of these sensible suggestions got formalized into “Agile”, with a Capital A. This set of suggestions for “things that seem to work” got boxed up into a package with a bow on top, to be sold to companies and managers.”

Agile testing?

And agile testing? What is agile testing? I rather say testing in an agile context instead of agile testing. Good testing in an agile context is done by looking first to the details of the specific situation. Remember the 7th principle of context-driven testing: “Only through judgment and skill, exercised cooperatively throughout the entire project, are we able to do the right things at the right times to effectively test our products.”

Testing is an essential part of software realization. Implementing testing in an agile context is a challenge. It comes with some interesting challenges for testers:

  • by the iterative nature of working, there is less time to test compared to the testing most of us are used to in a more traditional (waterfall) context. It requires a different approach to testing. There is a different phasing to testing in an agile environment.
  • how can I make sure that I can perform sufficient testing fast enough to keep up with the project?
  • testers need to ensure that “self-managing teams” do enough testing
  • cope with the changing team dynamics in which people work and where interaction is important
  • integrating structured testing in an environment where change is common
  • deliver added value as a tester when there is no software to test

Testers need to deliver immediate value. In an agile environment rapid feedback allows the team continuously forward. Testing should instantly provide useful and understandable information about the status of the products in development. It allows the team to deliver insightful value to the business continuously and to make maximum progress.


So what is the difference? I think the testing itself is not so much different, it is the context in which you do the testing is different. If you are aiming on differences between waterfall and agile my list of most important differences would be:

  • less time to prepare, execute and report (short sprints).
  • iterative and incremental approach: excellent unit testing is essential.
  • test automation (some rather call it automated checking or tool assisted testing) is essential for fast feedback and continuous integration.
  • role change: less testing, more coaching. Testers become “test coaches” or “quality directors” to make sure the team is doing sufficient testing. Enough (not too much nor too little) and of good quality.
  • cope with less certainty: change is common. Test documentation needs to deal with change by being transparent, using simple dashboards and light weight test documentation.
  • team work: where many testers are used to work in TEST teams, they are now working in DEVELOPMENT teams.
  • continuous critical thinking: testers need to help the team by thinking critical about the impact and risks. Where testers were used to do that upfront while writing documents like master test plans, they now have to do that continuously throughout the project: in grooming sessions, daily standups, planning sessions, etc. But also in their own work: making choices about what to cover: broad and depth.

Again: the testing itself is not so much different, it is the context in which you do the testing is different!

Agile Testing Days: a gathering called PATS

November 14-17 I attended Agile Testing Days in Potsdam. It was a great experience! In a series of experience reports on my blog I will reflect this conference. I want to start with the gathering of testers Jean-Paul Varwijk and I organized called PaTS (Potsdam agile Testers Session).

Jean-Paul and I love to discuss testing with other passionate testers. That is why we
both are in DEWT, participate at TestNet and some other initiatives. Zeger
van Hese
, fellow DEWT (and Programme Chair EuroSTAR 2012. GRATS again
Zeger!) told us about the Rebel Alliance at EuroStar 2010 and Jean-Paul and I decided to try to organize something similar.

So we arranged a room, made a shortlist of special and interesting people from the
(agile) software testing scene and send out an email announcing PaTS: a get
together on Wednesday evening 16th of November 2011 in Potsdam. We defined our
event as an informal off-conference evening, with drinks and pizza to talk and
debate about testing, have fun and debate some more. It turned out to be a fun and interesting evening!

Rob Lambert, Rob van Steenbergen, Daniel Levy, Janet Gregory, Simon Morley, Brett L. Schuchert, James Lyndsay, Stevan Zivanovic, Jim Holmes, Bart Knaack, Lisa Crispin, Olaf Lewitz, Mike Scott, Jurgen Appelo, Thomas Ponnet, Cecile Davis, Michael Bolton, Jean-Paul Varwijk and me gathered in the test lab and we first ordered some jumbo pizza and beer. Thanks to Telerik for sponsoring the beer!

We made a list of interesting topics and conducted a “dot vote”. This is the list
and the dot ranking:

Great Testers – 10
Management of testers – 8
Acceptable level of risk – 8
DEWT / Peer groups – 6
Tool topic – 3
Coin game – 2
Retrospect ATD talks – 2
Bathtub – 1
Continuous delivery – 1
Cloud – 1
Testlab – 0

We agreed to give every topic 10 minutes and “Caesar vote” after the time box to see if the group wants to give the topic extra time. During the evening the 4 top topics were discussed. Rob Lambert made some great mind maps of each topic. He let me take pictures so a massive thanks to him! You can also find them here.

Great Testers

Lisa Crispin started the discussion: “Most important is attitude, we will teach them the
skills”. And I fully agree. The group also mentioned passion as very important. When somebody is passionate about his work, he wants to improve and learning will become an essential part of his daily routine. Curiosity and quick learning are skills which were mentioned here as well. Another characteristic of a great tester is to be able to see things different or as Michael Bolton said: a great tester is capable of seeing complexity in apparent simple things and simplicity in apparent complex things.

Of course communication was mentioned as an important skill to be able to exchange knowledge. Michael Bolton ask what was meant with communication and he summed up 27 different forms of communication. I have to study the list, but I think that will end up as a separate blogpost here.

There was also a discussiuon about structured vs. unstructured testing (scripted vs. exploratory testing). What the conclusion was of this skill I can’t remember. But for me I value testers who can do both and are not affraid of thinking of their own. Exploratory testing gives a tester freedom but also forces him to keep thinking.

Other characteristics/skills mentioned during the discussion: cultural fit, humility, empathy, honesty, domain knowledge and sense of humour. Good to see a lot of human factors discussed.

I will further work on the other 3 topics discussed. But the mind maps by Rob Lambert give you a nice overview what was discussed.

Manage / lead testers to become great






DEWT / Peer groups






Acceptable level of risk






You can find some other experience reports of PaTS by Rob van Steenbergen, Jean-Paul and Olaf Lewitz.

The final exit of the test manager?

Last week I attended the autumn event by TestNet. This was an awesome event (as always!) where Leon Bosma did a interesting talk on the role of the test manager in the future with the title “Test Manager: the final exit”. His slides can be found here (in dutch).

In his presentation, he focused on the question what makes a manager? He used the model of Quinn as the basis for all tasks/roles of a manager. Then he compares these tasks to the testing activities according to TMap. In this part of his talk he covers the role description, tasks in testing and its importance to the tester. Then he talked about the developments in the testing profession covering developments in approach, the testing craft itself and the systems under test. The latter coincided with the theme of this event “The Cloud”. In the last part of his talk Leon gives his view on the impact of these developments on the role of a test manager. I have summarized them in the table below.

Role From To
Director He determines what I should do I’ll decide what to do in consultation
Producer He makes sure I can do my job The team make sure we can our job
Innovator He comes up with new solutions We come up with new solutions
Broker He makes the stakeholders happy The actors make each other happy
Facilitator He inspires the team We inspire and build the team
Mentor He teaches me the craft I learn from other specialists
Coordinator He decides what to do when I decide in coorperation the team what to do when
Monitor He sees to it that I do the right things The team ensures that I do what is needed

So, is the test manager a dying breed or not? I think they are! With developments like agile it is obvious that the team will be more responsible to do planning, coordination and determine the test strategy. For that we no longer need test managers. I never really understood the role of a test manager in many projects. Why should we divide the role of the tester in test executer, test analyst and test manager? We don’t do this in the other disciplines in IT, do we?

I think it has to do two major reasons:
1. The immaturity of the testers and therefore the (wrong?) interpretation of the role tester
2. The career path in many organizations

A good tester IMHO “deals” with all aspects of his job, maybe in consultation with the project manager. The tester controls the entire process from writing test plans containing an appropriate strategy to the reporting to the Steering Committee. I know many testers who find it scary to facilitate a workshop (for example, product risk mapping) or to give a presentation (e.g. reporting to the steering committee). The unfamiliarity of the testing craft by other IT professionals makes it worse. Testing is a difficult discipline but most people in IT do not recognize that. A project manager is often unable to make a good estimate of the testing activites is his project. Let alone that he is capable of creating a proper test strategy. Acceptance criteria are very difficult to determine and test managers are often asked to take care of this.

Good testing is quite difficult. Traditionally, business analysts and developers have a relatively easy job. The analyst has only a few dependencies: he talks with stakeholders and writes that down. The developer only needs a development environment and he can do his work. Testing is often much harder: always at the end, started too late with fixed deadlines, organizing various test environments, the many procedures your organization has to prepare acceptance environments, different user groups who should be involved in testin, etc. A lot of arranging and organizing to do! Hiring a test manager is an easy thing to do. Especially if there are people you think the testing itself is not as interesting. Or even worse: if you are not so good at your craft… It is easy to grow (read: flee) towards coordination.

The interpretation of the test role
In a situation where dedicated testers are present, test managers are often needless. Some time ago I worked as a test manager at a customer. In that organization a group test managers were the only “testers”. Most of the actual testing was done by the functional application managers and the users. The test managers did the coordination, wrote test plans, made sure that the testing went as smoothly as possible and were supposted to coach the users. In my opinion this organization of testing is terrible. Sure, users are involved, but testing is a profession and that cannot be delegated to untrained users. Writing requirements or programming is also done by professionals! The users in this situation had a short training. Enough to do proper testing, right?

Test carreers
But who did invent the test managers role? And why? I do not know where the test manager role came from, but I have a suspicion. Testing in many places is still a role that “used” as a stepping stone to another role in IT (WRONG!). Because everybody can test and testers do not need a lot of training (WRONG AGAIN!) so he can focus on the next steps in his carreer. The knowledge and experience of the the systems he gains along the way may well be used in the rest of his career…

Of course a tester grows and his role will be different over the years. I see many junior testers who are doing far less than a senior tester. I often wonder why. The junior needs to learn the craft and he can learn it by just doing it! So let the junior tester do everything himself. Maybe under the guidance of a senior tester as coach. Learning is making mistakes and evaluating them with your (senior) colleagues.

There is only one role: Tester! Test coordinators are in my opinion just senior testers (foremen) responsible for a certain part of the project. One tester is happy to coordinate, the other likes the content. Ultimately, a good tester has mastered his craft in every aspect!

Imagine that after ten years you still want to grow as a tester. What do you do? This is very difficult in many organizations. The salary scales of a tester will not let you. Test manager is a common role in which testers grow. This is a curse for our profession: it makes people want to make money and grow quickly by leaving the role of “ordinary” tester and become test manager. Without focusing to become a great tester they are busy becoming managers. Too bad!

So, will the role of test manager disappear soon? I think not! The test manager is still needed in many places to fill the gaps created by bad testers not in control of their own job!

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